The most tranquil city in Saudi Arabia, Medina Tul Munawwarah, commonly known as the Prophet's city, has a wealth of noteworthy locations to awe its visitors. Umrah tourists can travel and discover with our assistance some must-see fascinating places thanks to Makkah Madina Tours. Make sure to register with Makkah Madina Tours for the ziyarat (sightseeing tour).
Masjid-al-Nabawi, also known as the Prophet's mosque, is a mosque in Medina's Hejazi neighborhood and the third mosque to be included in the history of Islam. It served as the Holy Prophet ((SAW))'s retreat. Numerous people travel from all over the world to pray in this magnificent mosque, which is said to be the largest mosque in the world.
The area southeast of the Green Dome is referred to as the Garden of Heaven. It is the main burial ground in Medina and has great significance for Muslims because thousands of Sahabahs and other family members of the Prophet ((SAW)) are buried there. Please be aware that Jannatul Baqi must be visited at its designated opening time.
Quba Mosque:
Muslims maintain a very high regard for the Quba mosque because of its unique spiritual history. This is where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) waited for Hazrat Ali (A.S.) to arrive in Medina for fourteen days. Every Saturday, the Prophet (SAW) would go there to offer nawafil and advise the Muslim Ummah to do the same since it would result in greater rewards for the Ummah. Some accounts claim that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), upon their arrival in Medina during the migration, put its initial rocks.
According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet (SAW) changed the direction of the Qibla at the mosque known as Masjid-al-Qiblatayn while he was directing the Zuhr prayers. Among the earliest mosques are Masjid-al-Nabawi, the Quba mosque, and the Qiblatayn mosque.
The 7 Mosques:
Seven Mosques, also known as Saba Mosques, is a stunning architectural structure that surrounds an area that serves as an important historical and archaeological site in Medina. This mosque, which is located on the western border of the Sela Hill Range, symbolizes the victory of Muslims over Quresh in the Battle of Truth Khandaq, where Muslims constructed a trench to defend Medina.
The Mount Uhud:
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was hurt at the Battle of Uhud, which took place on Mount Uhud, also referred to as the Mountain of Paradise, and is located to the north of Medina. In addition, Hazrat Hamza, the Prophet's (SAW) uncle, perished in the conflict. In his statement that we love this place and it loves us, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) expressed his fondness for this location.